Saturday, March 8, 2025

Another Year of Student Auditions

Every year seems to get a little more challenging with age. Last year I was dealing eye problems during my student's music exams. The year before that I struggled to walk. This year my lumbar spine was damaged which made spending volunteer hours in support of my students a painful event today. I am grateful to my co-hall monitor and the volunteer teenagers that helped with running students up and down the stairs. (And oh those stairs!) 

I often wonder how my childhood piano teacher did it all. She taught until she was in her 100s, and lived to be 107. She chaired all of the Southeastern Michigan piano teacher festivals, in cooperation with Grinnell's piano, well into her later years. She handled the logistics of; hiring conductors, procuring duet scores for hundreds of students and adult professionals, securing rehearsal space, bringing one hundred pianos, and a couple dozen organs into rehearsal spaces and performance venues like Cobo Hall and Meadowbrook, hiring a composer to write a fanfare, and then hiring a brass ensemble to play the fanfare for each year, all to create one of the largest piano orchestras in the States, every year. And I struggled to go up and down the stairs and dealt with horrible back pain today just trying to calm and help children to their exam rooms for five hours. I'm a wimp.

I always breathe a sigh of relief after this day has ended. I think it is fair to say that teachers feel as much stress in preparing their students, as the students feel on the day of the event(s). But as much as teachers may struggle leading up to this day, it is so important for students. And that's why we support it (even through physical limitations and pain.) If a student should decide to pursue music as a career without these types of experiences, they would be disadvantaged. More importantly, music exams and assessment events prepare students, not only for future music events of a higher caliber but, for many of life's expectations in the work place. The dedication of building and rehearsing business presentations, board room meetings, and more, starts with the discipline of preparing music to bring in front of a judge for both performance and written exams. Self discipline, preparation, study, research, physical practice, memorization, confidence in one's hard work, these are just some of the strengths gained from private music study and music auditions at the pre-college level. 

The board members for both the NFMC's Junior Festival, and CMTA's Achievement Day, work very hard to make these events happen. Fortunately they are all twenty to thirty years younger than me with an abundance of physical and mental energy. But that doesn't mean the work is easy for them. I have both chaired and judged music assessments in younger years and these are not tasks to be taken on lightly.

The day is done. The teachers are relieved. The students are relieved. The parents are relieved. We are grateful to all the volunteers who made the event possible. And now we wait to hear the results. 

I am heading to bed much earlier tonight along with an ice pack and a muscle relaxer. Tomorrow starts preparations for the next event on this year's list. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

How Does My Instructor Know If I Don't Practice?

I remember sitting outside of audition rooms as a child. I would listen to the other children playing their piano pieces and I could tell if they were students who practiced all the time, or students who had "crammed" for the audition. If a student was very nervous and was making mistakes, oddly there was a sound that I could still hear that let me know the student was serious about music.

When I got to college it was the same, but more pronounced. You had students who had been accepted into the studios of Misha Kottler and other notable instructors. However, you could tell they were not taking advantage of the privilege and not practicing with consistency. Oh, they hit all the correct notes and rhythms - the articulations were even there - but that sound that comes from regular practice wasn't there. The professors were so kind and patient with all of us. But I knew if I could hear the lack of practice, they definitely were hearing it. 

As an instructor, I can even tell when very young, primary level students, practice: It doesn't matter how simple the piece. As a judge, in many events throughout the years and, at many different levels, I always hear the student's dedication within the first few measures.

There is a sound that comes from regular practice. Everyone has a different name for the sound. It is unmistakeable. I have many students with neurodivergent diagnoses. Some of those parents ask that I enter their children in events without revealing their diagnosis. They want their child mainstreamed as much as possible. These children struggle to perform and memorize the music. However, I always smile when I read the resulting comments. The judges always indicate on their assessments that they can tell the child has consistently worked very hard on the music. That sound always comes through.

I think the most difficult thing for an instructor is when you have to broach the topic of practice with a student and the student (out of fear) does not tell you the truth. Instructors bring up the subject because we want to know how we can help you create a life pattern that will help you practice regularly. 

But, even more disheartening, is when a parent looks you in the eye and tells you a story about their child's regular practice schedule that does not match what you are hearing from the child's performance. This is very concerning, it means that the parent is ignorant, or they are blocking the instructor's attempts at helping their child become a better musician. And in the long run, the parent is giving the child a continued excuse for poor practice.

It is a crucial point when discussions about lack of practice become a regular conversation. Be honest with your instructors. We are here to help you achieve and we want you to be your best. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Excerpt from Ricardo Muti's Address to the 1991 Graduating Class of the Curtis Institute of Music

"It may sometimes be hard for you to remember your mission, because you live in a country that has, certainly, many virtues, but that also finds it difficult to recognize the proper position and value of music and the other arts. I am speaking not merely of the financial help that the arts need and do not fully receive. I mean the acceptance of the central position that art must hold in any life that is fully lived.  In Salzburg, for instance, you find music represented all through the texture of life, even in its most everyday aspects; one of the city's main streets, leading to the Grosses Festspielhaus, is called the Wiener-Philharmoniker-Gasse, and there is also a Toscaninihof, even a Papagenoplatz - not to mention Mozart, whose name and presence can be read and heard and felt everywhere.  Can you imagine a major space in the city of Philadelphia being called Curtis Institute Street, or Philadelphia Orchestra Avenue, or Graffman Square?

No, in this country, musicians are more often considered "entertainers." I never fail to wonder at the listing of orchestra performances in American newspapers under "entertainment." The connection diminishes what music is, for often good music does not entertain at all. Rather, it inspires, frees, even creates conflict within its listener.  Music means eternal growth; and growth, as you well know, is not entertaining - more often it is painful.  Now I do not mean to belittle your country.  Certainly the study of music here is far more luxurious than it is elsewhere.  Music students in the United states have fantastic buildings with carpets and libraries and cassette machines and CD players and video equipment and computers.  I come from the conservatories of Rossini, Bellini, and Donizetti - buildings where for a long time there was just one luxury: an oil lamp in the middle of the room.

I am not advising study by an oil lamp. Certainly, it is not good for your eyes, and I do not believe it does much for the soul either.  But I am saying that the love of music must be so great that you will accept hardships all along the way of your musical life.  I am saying that your caring about music must be so deep that never will you allow yourself to be a mere projector of notes - no matter how beautifully those notes are projected.  Mahler and Beethoven and Bach were not just producing notes: they were using notes to convey their deepest feelings and convictions."

Overtones: The Publication of The Curtis Institute of Music/Summer 1991/Vol.XVI, No.1


This passage was read to our music history class by our professor in the year it was printed. As time passes, I think it still holds merit and I have passed a copy of this excerpt on to my students as they move on to study music at university. The years have brought us new technology. However you still will find that students from other countries practice longer hours and dig deeper into their music scales, technical exercises, music theory, and music history, than most students from the States. Think about those students you encounter who are from Latin, Russian, or Asian countries. We have all heard how they are disciplined to spend at least two hours every day (minimum) working on some aspect of music beginning at the elementary level. Meanwhile, music teachers in the States are thrilled if a student spends thirty focused minutes per day at their instrument. And most private instructors in the States avoid including the study of music theory and music history for pre-college students because they know students simply will not do their assigned work.  

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Help for self-employed private music teachers in WNC and crisis areas

Helping Private Music Teachers in WNC and other Crisis Areas

Please reach out if you are a private music teacher who has lost teaching materials from the recent hurricanes. 

After finding that there are no organizations that help self-employed private music teachers in crisis areas, Low Country Studios is working to find ways to help our sisters and brothers who may have lost teaching studios, instruments, and teaching materials in the recent hurricanes. 

Most self-employed private music teachers are not in the public eye and live quiet lives mentoring future musicians. Unlike full time performing musicians, who are well recognized in their communities, private music teachers don't have a fan following, or performing colleagues, to arrange benefit events for them.

Private music instructors can pay high membership fees to belong to professional organizations that provide opportunities for their students, but offer few to no benefits for the private music teacher. When a crisis hits, a self-employed private music teacher may not be able to find any help. Many of us discovered that there was no help for self-employed music teachers during the pandemic, or the Lahaina fires crisis.

Musicians in Need:

+Support Lyle Rickards through his page by purchasing his digital recordings on his Bandcamp page. Lyle is from Asheville and only made it out with his musical instrument.

+Join other piano teachers through the Piano Teachers facebook page to help Brandon Kouri who is the pianist/organist at Roser Community Church in Anna Marie Island FL rebuild his piano/organ music library. Brandon lost his personal music book library during Helene.


If you are a private teacher who needs help, please send an email to us at LowCountryStudios at yahoo dot com.

We are searching for the best way to set up a transparent fundraising page for self-employed private music teachers in crisis. Until then, if you would like to help by making a small monetary gift to our Venmo, please indicate that it is for "hurricane area private music teachers." Our Venmo is @dollypaul with a photo of Miss Dolly and her cat as the avatar.

Thank you for caring.

Miss Dolly

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Looking Back with Gratitude, Looking Forward with Hope

This has been an emotional week for me. I am marking my birthday and I am remembering my excitement and sadness twenty years ago, this week, when I closed my established teaching and coaching studio to move to Charleston South Carolina. I was expecting to come into a tenured voice position which was, unexplainably, no longer available upon my arrival. I felt lost and confused, but I knew I didn't have time to sit still and lick my wounds.

Charleston, in fact South Carolina, was not on my radar for relocation. I had made a list of locations I could consider that resonated with my education and experience. I was focused on a position in higher education and being close to large local chapters affiliated with NFMC, NATS, and the Piano Guild. Deciding against California, and New Mexico, and turning down a position with a university in Georgia that wasn't a good fit, I was still sending out resumes and CVs. I almost headed toward Gilbert Arizona but then, for reasons still unknown to me, Charleston is where God directed my path. I packed up my cat, music instruments, film photography equipment, and art supplies and made the move. These twenty years have been, perhaps, the most challenging years of my life. I have moments when I wish I was still coaching professionals. However, I know the Lord always leads you where he needs you and through it all, God has always provided and cared for me. Living in Charleston I have met some lovely families and hard working students whom I admire for their dedication to music. And, I have learned a lot about myself, the struggle of finding your musical family outside of a major city, and the unique lowcountry culture.  

As I enter this new business decade in the lowcountry, I am extremely grateful to all of the supportive people I have met through music and visual art in this town. I am especially grateful to those Charlestonian elders who have since gone on to their reward. They warmly welcomed me here with love, quickly became supporters of my work,  and inspired me to plant seeds in this town. I truly miss those rich, knowledgeable conversations about the arts and travel, their love, and their bright energy. 

I am still here and there is still much work to be done. 

Thank you, thank you, thank you, for being a part of this journey.  


Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Getting Started with Worship Songs

One of the joys of teaching, for me, is working with students who compose music. I have students whose focus is creating worship songs. These students write music for non-denominational and contemporary christian worship gatherings. A few have gone on to have successful careers in the field of worship music. Others have used the works they have written for their own personal times of worship. (God inhabits the praises of his people. Psalm 22:3) 

Some students write song melodies with ease, while others struggle to write melodies. Some students are more gifted with words, while others struggle with writing lyrics. (Lyrics are the words to a song.) 

Occasionally, a student will work with a friend who complements their writing skills. For instance, a student who is a strong melody writer will pair with another student who is a strong lyricist to write a song. But more often I see students who want to excel both as a music composer and a lyricist.

One of the first things I ask a student, when they want to start a new worship song project, is "What type of worship song are you writing?" When a composer can define what they want to express in a worship song, the words and music come together a lot faster. Let's look at three types of worship song forms used today.  

The first song form is, perhaps, the most obvious: Psalms. Psalms use the words of the Judeo-Christian bible for the lyrics. Verses containing the inspired word of God from the old and new testaments are used. 

The second form of worship song, that we talk about in lessons, is the Hymn. Hymns contain a doctrinal truth. A doctrinal truth is something that was, is, and always will be.

The last form we consider is the Spiritual Song. In a spiritual song the writer shares a personal story of what God has done in their life through grace, mercy, or a miracle, from their personal point of view. 

Establishing the purpose of a song and narrowing down the details can be a big help to students. Though it seems too simple, this step, at the start of a composition will really help.


Please note: There are other forms of music used in places of worship that have different criteria than what I have shared above. It is always prudent to consult with your worship leader so you have a full understanding of the music and lyric guidelines that are welcome at your place of worship. 

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Self-discipline vs. Motivation

Motivation; The first time I heard that word, used generously, was when I taught classroom music in a school for gifted children in the 1980s. It was starting to be a "buzz" word in classroom education for slower learners. The school served children with learning disabilities and recognized that many children were not able to develop tools that are necessary for success in life. It became commonplace to hear statements like, Jimmy could not finish the task because he was not motivated.  It was a gentler way of speaking about a student's learning challenges. 

Self-discipline helps an individual achieve by building constructive habits that lead to success in sports, arts, science, religion, or any other field of choice. Motivation is feeling pressed to do a task because of one's emotions. A boy is motivated to attend soccer practice because he will feel embarrassed in front of his peers if he stays home to play video games. That boy is motivated. A young girl gets up at 4:00am every morning to catch the bus to go to the skating rink, and practice by herself, before she has to go to school. This girl has self-discipline. Let's take this to the adult level.

A man is motivated to go into the office, to a mundane job, every day, because he doesn't want society to think of him as a bum. He is moved by his feelings. A young woman starts her own clothing design firm and with daily perseverance through many failures, and self-discipline, moves from a once-a-week small farmer's market tent to opening her own successful store in a popular town. She is self-disciplined.

Your grandparents called self-discipline, a good work ethic. What do you think of when you think about self-discipline? Some don't like the word and feel it is too harsh.

Like every teacher, I see self-disciplined children who do excel. But more frequently, I see children who will only do work if there is an emotional component; which means they don't progress as far in their education as they could. Only doing a task when one is triggered by fear, embarrassment, fun, companionship, peer pressure, or jealousy, is not a healthy path to success. Failure, in many areas, can start to set in if every task is approached only when the person relies on their feelings to motivate positive movement. 

When you practice self-discipline, good feelings come as you see yourself improving. Use self-discipline to bring honest feelings. Don't wait for your feelings to cause you to act. 

It is my opinion that the re-structuring of education, with motivation (doing work because of an emotional component) becoming more important than rewards of self-discipline, has produced lower standards in many fields of education. 

I have a theory as to why motivation continues to be stressed ahead of teaching self-discipline in education. 

We now have a generation of parents who were raised within an educational system that employed motivation strategies. (This is not the fault of today's parents.) These parents are now raising children using the tools they were taught which were motivational practices. 

Sometimes I see myself as a one-woman-band trying to guide students in how to succeed with self-discipline. I welcome any educator who wants to join me. 

Sunday, July 21, 2024

What Went Wrong at the SCTMA Pre-College Auditions? (Music Teachers National Association)

South Carolina piano teachers noticed a change in the way music performance evaluations were conducted during the 23-24 Music Teachers National Association season in the State Pre-College auditions for South Carolina. And they were not happy.

I received texts and emails from other piano teachers after last season's State evaluations for piano students. I tried to determine:  What was happening? Why were we not seeing evaluations or ratings? Typically, teachers would receive their student assessments within a week of the event. But there was no communication from the state level for weeks. The district director could not find any answers either. Was it worth it to continue in this organization's events? 

Judges typically give very thorough evaluations that touch on many elements which help the teacher and encourage the student to improve their playing going forward. For the upper levels we found this to be generally true - when the evaluations did finally arrive. It seemed that the upper level judges were honestly evaluating students and also scouting for students who might attend their music college in the future.  These upper level judges also took extra time to talk with the students during their evaluations.

However, the lower level evaluation sheets were sparse. Sheets came back without any actual evaluations only single statements like, "Great Job, enjoyed your playing!" "You looked so professional, thanks for playing." These types of comments are nice to end an assessment with, but they are not evaluations and, they don't help anyone. The teachers began to question the competency of the judges being hired for the lower levels. These vague evaluations were also a concern for some of the parents who drove their children long distances for the state event.

There were issues with reported grades that were emailed to teachers, verses the actual grades received on the evaluation forms. Initially, this past season, teachers were only given the rating grade for their students without being able to see the evaluations. This has never happened before and there was concern that the evaluations had been lost. When the evaluations finally arrived weeks later, teachers found that the ratings were not consistent with the actual rating given by the judges. Imagine having to tell children they didn't actually receive the mark that had been reported.

Despite the disappointment of the 23-24 season we hope for the best as we enter this 24-25 season. I am satisfied that our district director brought these issues to light with the state, and possibly, national organization. And I trust that our concerns have been ironed out. MTNA has always been a well respected organization for music teachers and students and we are all hoping this past season is a one-off that South Carolina won't see again. 

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Gifts for Students Poll: Yes or No

I have waited until the major holidays have passed before giving you the results from my December 2023 poll on "Gifts for Students: Yes or No." I didn't want to influence private music instructors, in either direction, during the gift giving season. 

This poll included teachers from the United States of America and Canada. Teachers that are local to me, and teachers from private piano teacher face book forums, were polled. I have listed some of the comments left by teachers in each corresponding section. There didn't seem to be a grey area in this poll. Teachers were either strongly for giving, or strongly against giving, anything to a student.

I requested that teachers, who chose to respond to the poll, give their location and their gender. They were also given space to leave a comment. Some of the comments were quite strong. The poll was taken near the Christmas holiday in 2023 and many teachers were feeling stretched from a very busy season. And knowing their responses would be anonymous, I believe the option to take this poll might have been therapeutic for some of these teachers. Teaching private music lessons can be alienating for some teachers. Teachers often work out of their homes or through a single teacher studio. Some may not have other teachers near with whom they feel safe enough to discuss their business frustrations.

If you were one of the teachers who participated in this poll, THANK YOU! Some of you have contacted me with your eagerness to read this poll's outcome. Thank you for your patience.

Sunday, December 3, 2023

Music Recitals: What are the Options?

Until the early 2000s, like many private music teachers, I held an annual Christmas Recital with a large food spread. I could usually count on one or more adult students, and a parent, to help with the kitchen end of setting up the food and drink tables and monitoring the food until after the performances had ended. Every studio member attended and brought extended family. We never had less than a feast with families bringing meat trays, casseroles, ice cream punch mixes, cookies, cakes, and more. The students had fun and there was a real sense of community. How times have changed. 

Event spaces and churches were always happy to extend free, or reduced fee, recital space to private music teachers in their communities. However, since the pandemic, and along with event rental inflation in our area specifically, it is close to impossible to find a place to hold recitals. Event space rental here in Charleston is now priced beginning at $5,000.00, per portion of a day (not even a full day), for most of the locations we have researched. Churches, that would donate space for a contribution or smaller rental amount, no longer offer use of their buildings saying they are concerned about covid, and other safety, liability. Church music directors - who also teach privately - have also told us that they are no longer able to use the facilities, in the churches where they serve, for student recitals. 

For those lucky enough to find a space for a studio recital, the expenses can include: rental, cleaning fee, insurance costs, key holder fee, security fee, video-photographer, parking lot fee, recital programs, certificates, and gifts for the participants. If there is an afterglow reception those costs also must be considered. After this preparation, teachers may experience last minute surprises from students who have to cancel the day of the event due to sports, family outings, or other last minute conflicts.

I recently heard from an elderly colleague who told me she has held her last recital and isn't even going to try for options in the future. For decades she held an end-of-the-year holiday recital at her local methodist church. But her church no longer allowed use of the space because of the pandemic. The instructor put together a large recital event for her studio last year. She and her husband invested in reserving a pizzeria in their town for the recital. Cheese, and cheese and pepperoni, pizzas along with all beverages, were complementary for students and attendees and were purchased in advance along with the space. The date was scheduled four(4) months ahead of the recital and families were notified of the recital date and location as soon as it was scheduled. The students had all prepared their musical selections, the restaurant had been paid, gift bags were prepared, and programs were printed. This teacher has a large student base and when the recital date came, only nine of her students and their families attended. She said the families who didn't show did not notify her that they decided not to come - even having confirmed the week before.  She  had purchased food, as part of the rental contract, for over 30 students and their families. Can you imagine? Fortunately her husband was able to contact a person from the local Salvation Army who arranged for distribution of the surplus pizzas that were already purchased.  This is not an isolated "Recitals Gone Wrong"  story in our current day. Families are simply over-scheduled. Even teachers who charge a "pay-to-perform" fee tell me students often don't attend when the family has purchased tickets, or paid, to be in an event. So, with the cost of event space, and over extended families, what other options are there to provide for important performance opportunities?

A number of my colleagues have opted out of any type of student events and gatherings. However, there are still those of us who are focused on finding a way to offer opportunities for students to get performance practice, and believe, like me, that even if a few families are interested, it is well worth the effort and investment. 

Here are some ideas teachers are coming up with:

  • One teacher I spoke with over social media was able to use her community HOA room by offering any other music teacher's students or piano players, within that HOA community, the opportunity to perform on the recital. 
  • A Florida teacher is nervously preparing for a backyard recital, and praying for no rain and a happy septic tank, for next Saturday.  
  • I have one colleague who has been able to purchase a large home this year, with her family's help, that will accommodate the recital space she needs; This is the ideal, but quite a financial leap. 
  • A Michigan teacher has persuaded her husband to clean out the garage and purchase portable heaters so they can use their garage and driveway for a true winter recital.
  • Some private teachers, like me, are experimenting with virtual gatherings, and others are still searching to find an answer to keep the recital tradition alive. 
Inflation in rentals and recital costs, along with families that are over-extended in commitments, are all challenges for teachers who need new performance platform ideas. I am curious to see what the future holds for small studio recitals, especially in tourist areas and towns that are seeing large increases in event space rentals. 


As a private music teacher, how has your outlook on recitals changed over the years? Do you think they are still important for music students? If you schedule recitals for your students, what platform are you using now to provide studio recital opportunities? I would love to read your responses. Please feel free to email your thoughts, or respond on this blog. Musically, Miss Dolly.

Saturday, May 6, 2023

The Coronation and The Derby (Today's Double Header!)

I have to smile at all my colleagues who, like me, watch the royal events across the pond for love of the music and pageantry. And today's musical performances were so worth the time to hear. 

However, my takeaway from the coronation was the parade. For years I have wondered why parades did not coordinate their music to be played in unison and have their movement in unison. After all, we have had the technology to make this happen for quite some time now. Today that itch was scratched for me and in such an excellent way. I am happy and relieved that someone finally decided to champion this parade precision. After all..aren't parades precision events? 

My day ended with the Kentucky Derby. Congratulations to Mage, number 8. 

So have a mint julep tonight if you are in a celebratory mood and, if you have the chance, catch some of the coronation performances on the web. Here is an overview:

Hubert Parry's (1848 - 1918)  setting of Psalm 122:1-3, 6-7

Paul Mealor (b 1975)  Kyrie eleison 

William Byrd (c 1540 - 1623)  from the Book of Common Prayer

William Byrd   Gloria from Mass for four voices

Debbie Wiseman (b 1963)   Psalm 47: 1-2/6-7a (composed for this service)

Rabanus Maurus (c 780 - 856)  Veni, creator spiritus, plainsong (sung in English, Welsh, Gaelic, Irish)

George Frideric Handel   1 Kings 1:39-40 Zadok the Priest

Byzantine Chant Ensemble   Psalms 72: 1-2,4-5, 7; 20:9

Richard Strauss (1864 - 1949)/arr. Paul Mealor   Wiener Philharmoniker Fanfare

Thomas Weelkes (c 1576 - 1623)  Lord Grant the King from the Book of Common Prayer

Henry Walford Davies (1869 - 1941)/arr John Rutter  Confortare after 1 Kings 2: 1-3

Andrew Lloyd Webber (b 1948)   Make a Joyful Noise after Psalm 98

Henry Purcell/arr James O'Donnell (b 1961)  Westminster Abbey

Roxanna Panufnik (b 1968)  Sanctus (composed for this service)

Tarik O'Regan (b 1978)  Lamb of God (composed for this service)

William Boyce (1711 - 79)  Psalm 2: 1.3

William Walton/arr. John Rutter  Te Deum laudamus

Edward Elgar/arr. Iain Farrington  March Pomp and Circumstance no. 4

Hubert Parry  chorale Fantasia on 'The Old Hundredth'

*  *  *

Busy Time Passing

I am amazed at how long it has been since I posted here. It really opens my eyes to how busy my life as a private music instructor and coach has been during the past three months. 

Students have been very busy preparing and taking part in classical and jazz piano school recitals, voice and piano auditions for the School of The Arts, Charleston Music Teacher Association assessments, Junior Festival Assessments in Columbia, Music Theory Assessments in Charleston, Honors Recital performances, and taking highest marks with honors in State events.  I am so very proud of all of these amazing students! 

Thank you for allowing me space to breathe my friends! 

Monday, December 26, 2022

12 Days in the Studio for Christmas

As I write this we are entering the second day of Christmas, the end of this year's Hanukkah celebrations, Boxing Day for my Canadian friends, and Kwanza. The first day of Christmas has passed and now is the time to relax a bit with leftovers, continued gatherings, and a look to the New Year. 

The last quarter of this year was quite an upheaval in this studio with flooding from Ian, home repair delays which included my piano being in storage, vehicle concerns, health concerns, and other bumps in the road that all reared their ugly heads at the same time. But bless God, we came through. So now I can start focusing on what will help me and my students as we come to the end of the year. 

In 2022 I joined a number of music organizations and supported other music businesses online to gain more tools for my studio. As the year has been coming to an end I have noticed that there simply isn't enough time to read all their emails. And honestly, many of the organizations looked like good fits for my studio, but after the initial membership was satisfied, I didn't receive any information that was new to me, or tools that were helpful to my studio and students. I am finding that many of these organizations offer information that is helpful to teachers who are not formally trained, or new to the field and feeling overwhelmed. But for seasoned and degreed teachers, the material is too basic. 

Trimming back music organization memberships for my studio has started. My personal big three connections will continue because there are State connections that my students can benefit from. But I have already disconnected from receiving and renewing memberships to, at least, eight organizations. Will each organization start the year with a new platform to regain my interest or find new followers? Yes, I expect that, but I have seen what they had to offer through 2022 and I know that they are not a fit with my studio. 

What changes are you starting to think about for your studio in the coming year? What changes have you made this year that helped you succeed? 

Monday, August 29, 2022

Women in Jazz Piano Listening List for a Gloomy Monday Morning

Here is a brief post to brighten up this very gloomy and rainy Monday morning in Charleston, South Carolina.  It is a short list and it comes with apologies to the many amazing female jazz artists around the globe whose names I have not included. 

Toshiko Akiyoshi

Geri Allen

Lil Hardin Armstrong

Carla Bley

Barbara Carroll

Alice Coltrane

Eliane Elias

Marian McPartland

Terry Pollard

Zoe Rahman

Diane Schuur

Helen Sung

Kate Williams

Mary Lou Williams

Katherine Windfield

In the above list you will find, not only fine pianists, but composers, arrangers and ensemble leaders. Enjoy finding their recordings, and listening to their styles. And, please leave names of your favorite female jazz pianists, that I have not listed, in the comments.  

Monday, August 15, 2022

Practice Makes....Progress

The legendary cellist, Pablo Casals, was asked why he still practiced when he was 90 years old. His response was, Because I believe I am making progress.

Growing up I always heard "Practice Makes Perfect" from adults. But I never knew how to get to perfect. When it was time to perform my music for others I was a nervous wreck. I was told that only perfect was acceptable, and I knew I wasn't there. I'm so happy that I haven't reached perfect because there is no opportunity for growth and new discoveries there.  

As musicians we want to express ourselves more clearly. Whether we are comforting our own soul, using our music as meditation, praising our personal God, or sharing music with others. Every time we practice our music, and even while performing for others, improvement and progress is made in our skill set. This gives us the ability to communicate more expressively.

One single music tone can be approached, played, and released in so many different ways. Therefore, there is no perfect, static, goal because music moves and breathes. I think that is what captures our hearts and minds when we rehearse or hear music. Each note is a momentary sound that can be expressed with many subtle variations within that movement of time. 

Communicating is our work. Making progress with your music means you are becoming a better communicator by gaining the skills to add more inflections to your personal sound. The beauty is that you can confidently communicate at the skill level where you are. A simple five finger position on the piano, with one hand, can create a musical line that moves others. 

We use the word practice for many professions: She practices dentistry, he practices medicine. These are also fields that are alive, growing and improving. Like music, when you spend time practicing, progress happens.

I will be the first to admit that I have overused the word perfect as a teacher and I am removing it from my teaching vocabulary. 

Progress is a direction forward. Perfect is a dead end with no more growth. As a musician we are working in a space that is alive and breathing and progressing forward. A musician's age is of no significance, and years of advanced skills on a musical instrument are only a reminder that there is so much more for us to discover in our practice and sharing sessions.    

Going forward, this studio will be saying, Practice Makes Progress. 

Saturday, July 23, 2022

A Closer Look at Major and Minor Scale Finger Patterns for Piano

A Closer Look at Major and Minor Scale Finger Patterns for the Piano by Dolly L Paul MA


Piano finger patterns used in major and minor scales are patterns that have been chosen because of their contribution to optimal playing. While playing scales, the hand needs to flow as smoothly and effortlessly as possible. 


The ideal pattern for any scale is, what I call, standard fingering. This pattern allows the player to use adjacent fingers, one through five, in a continuous flow with only one turn after the third finger of each hand in the span of an octave. We know this pattern as the 1-2-3-1-2-3-4-5 finger pattern ascending in the right hand, and the 5-4-3-2-1-3-2-1 pattern ascending in the left hand. However, when black keys need to be accessed, the flow of this pattern may not be optimal. Therefore, we must use alternate finger patterns for some piano scales. 


One of the rules we want to consider, when playing a scale, is to avoid playing a black key with the thumb. Using the thumb on a black key alters the weight and balance as the hand plays through adjacent keys. This does not support fluid scale passage playing.


A second rule we want to consider is using the same finger pattern in the minor key scales (natural, harmonic, and melodic) as we have used in that key’s relative major key. However, again we must keep in mind that a thumb does play on a black key, and this is the area where many novice players struggle with patterns.


The last, or third, finger pattern consideration comes into play when we have scales that contain many black keys. When the area of the keyboard where two black keys are positioned between C-D-E, the flow of the pattern favors fingers two and three for the black keys on both hands. And the area of the keyboard where three black keys are grouped together between notes F-G-A-B, favors fingers two, three, and four on the black keys. 


Scales that use standard fingering in both hands are:


            C major and its relative a minor forms 

            G major and its relative e minor forms

            D major

            A major

            E major

            c minor forms

            g minor forms

            d minor forms


b minor, D major’s relative minor key, uses standard fingering in the right hand, but must shift the left-hand fingering to the pattern 4-3-2-1-4-3-2-1 in all forms (harmonic, melodic, and natural.)


f# minor, A major’s relative minor key, offers a confusing finger pattern. Logically the left hand would follow the same finger pattern as the A major scale. This would allow us to use the same pattern for all three forms of the minor scale in the left hand 3-2-1-4-3-2-1-3. Instead, the third rule is used: L.H. 4-3-2-1-3-2-1-4 all f# minor forms.


In the right hand of the f# minor scales, the fingering that would follow the A major pattern looks logical for the natural and harmonic forms and that fingering is used in those forms. However, in the f# melodic pattern ascending in the right hand, we would end up with a thumb on D#. To remedy this the fingering is altered from traditional patterns and the fourth finger is substituted to play the D# on the ascension of the scale with the thumb playing the E#. Then the third finger plays the top F# and the original pattern used in the natural and harmonic forms (which aligns with A major) returns on the descending scale pattern.

R.H. 3-4-1-2-3-1-2-3 harmonic and natural R.H. 3-4-1-2-3-4-1-3 melodic ascending 


c# minor, E major’s relative key, follows the same trail as F# minor. 

L.H. 3-2-1-4-3-2-1-3 for all C# minor forms (this follows the E major finger pattern)

R.H. 3-4-1-2-3-1-2-3 harmonic and natural R.H. 3-4-1-2-3-4-1-3 melodic ascending


B major uses standard fingering for the right hand. The left-hand pattern for B major must shift to 4-3-2-1-4-3-2-1 to avoid a thumb on a black key. (You may notice that B major and b minor keys use the same finger patterns in both hands. These keys are not relative to one another, they are parallel to one another.)


The g# minor right-hand pattern follows B major fingering for all forms starting on G#, 3-4-1-2-3-1-2-3. The left-hand pattern for the harmonic form and the ascending melodic form is 3-2-1-4-3-2-1-3 which differs from B major’s pattern. The natural pattern aligns with the B major finger pattern. Melodic ascending, natural descending:   L.H. 3-2-1-4-3-2-1-3-4-1-2-3-1-2-3  


Gb major follows the third rule for both hands (the key of F# is enharmonic to Gb)

R.H. 2-3-4-1-2-3-1-2    L.H. 4-3-2-1-3-2-1-4


eb minor, Gb major’s relative key, follows Gb major’s pattern in the right and the left hands:

R.H. 3-1-2-3-4-1-2-3   L.H. 2-1-4-3-2-1-3-2  


Db major also follows the third rule in its scale finger pattern.

R.H. 2-3-1-2-3-4-1-2    L.H. 4-3-2-1-3-2-1-4


bb minor, Db major’s relative key, follow Db major’s finger pattern in all its minor forms starting on the Bb note:

R.H. 4-1-2-3-1-2-3-4    L.H.  2-1-3-2-1-4-3-2


Ab Major follows the third rule in the fingering pattern of the right hand. However, in the left hand the fingering pattern is shifted which offers more flow to the left-hand pattern. 

R.H.  3-4-1-2-3-1-2-3    L.H. 3-2-1-4-3-2-1-3


f minor, Ab major’s relative key, uses the right-hand Ab scale pattern for all three minor forms: R.H. 1-2-3-4-1-2-3-4. The left hand of f minor uses the standard finger pattern for all three forms.


Eb major uses an unfamiliar pattern in the right 3-1-2-3-4-1-2-3 and the left 3-2-1-4-3-2-1-3. The bright spot with this scale pattern is when played in contrary motion (hands together) the finger patterns are symmetrical.


Bb major is another unfamiliar finger pattern in both hands. The right-hand finger pattern is 4-1-2-3-1-2-3-4. The left-hand finger pattern 3-2-1-4-3-2-1-3. For some students it helps to remember that when the hands play in parallel motion, the R.H. finger 3 is on the note Bb, your left-hand finger 4 will be on Bb as well. Likewise, when your L.H. finger 4 is on Eb your R.H. finger 3 will be on Eb. Focusing on the finger 3-4 combinations can help you remember the finger patterns for this scale.


F major uses the standard finger pattern in the left hand. In the right hand the pattern shifts to 1-2-3-4-1-2-3-4 to avoid using a thumb on the scale tone Bb. (Although unrelated, some like to compare F major’s finger patterns to the B major patterns because they are opposites. In B major the right hand has standard fingering, and the left hand uses the 4-3-2-1-4-3-2-1.) 


All Rights Reserved by Dolly Paul and Low Country Studios, Ltd. Co. (c) June 2022





Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Incorporating Theory at All Levels Provides for Lifelong Playing

As a child I remember a classroom music teacher telling us that the musician's work was studying, practicing, performing, and sharing music. I heard that statement again in my undergraduate and graduate music education. The first part of that statement, studying, is the reason I have always made written music theory assignments a part of my students' lessons. Reading about music, thinking about what you just read, and understanding that element of music enough to be able to write it down, takes the application of music (playing on the instrument) to a higher level. 

I love the "aha moments" when students make the connection between what they have learned in a theory assignment to what they are playing on their instrument. It always leads to them being a better and more confident player.

I was surprised when I met private music instructors who did not include music theory, technic, and/or scales in their students' music lessons. And they were just as surprised that I chose to include these elements. 

The oddest parent to teacher experience I have ever had was with a child who came to me from a teacher who had moved on to another field. The parent was very upset that I gave homework to her daughter. She did not understand why the daughter had to do written work and practice on an instrument between lessons. The woman was well educated - but could not comprehend the need to do anything outside of the private music lesson time. She withdrew from my studio and found another teacher that would serve her request. The daughter was not challenged in any way, mentally or emotionally, and was a teenager who had been with the previous private music teacher for a number of years. Sadly, I found that students who had worked with this teacher played everything through rote learning: they could not read music at any level. Many had no knowledge of the key names on the instrument. It really blew my mind that parents had accepted this.

The revelation for me was the fact that there are teachers who charge more than the average fee for private lessons, yet don't provide a full music education...and people accept that. I discovered later on that this approach has actually become a standard method of teaching commercially. Because this method never gives the student reading skills, in order to play even the simplest music score on their instrument would require complete dependence on that teacher showing them how to play by rote. Then, unless the student had an above average memory, they would never be able to play this song again after moving on to a new piece. I see this as a cruel marketing angle - it is not giving a person a music education - and I was shocked to learn it is very common.

When we are young we learn how to spell words, the function of words in a sentence, and how to begin a sentence with a capitalized word and end a sentence with a period, etc. If we did not learn how to read and write, would our conversations be as rich? If we did not know how to put thoughts down on paper, what would life be like? Music is a language, and learning how to use that language from a written function in addition to a kinetic and applied function makes it a full rich skill and language that any private student should be able to access beyond their years of education and training.

An education in music theory needs to start at the first lesson. It can be approached simply and in small bites for the young or challenged learner. And it will allow the student to play independently years after ending their lessons, which is the hope for every student that comes to this studio.

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Blackwater Ukulele Festival #7

I had a great time teaching a beginner class for ukulele at the Blackwater Ukulele Festival this past Saturday in Cypress Gardens. Jim Ravoira did a fantastic job, as always, getting the volunteers together and providing a welcoming festival for performers, vendors, ukulele enthusiasts, and players. This was the seventh festival and benefitted the Berkley Animal Shelter and the Magdalene House of Charleston. Festival performers included the Charleston Hot Shots, Lil' Uke Band, and Nathan Gabriel Miller. An open mic segment provided an opportunity for amateur ukulele players to get their feet wet in performing on a live stage. Participants came down from Myrtle Beach, Columbia, Georgetown, and up from Georgia. Vendors included a music instrument shop, live plant shop on wheels, stickers, jewelry, art, food, and more. 

A fun event I hope to see continue. For those in the Charleston area who are interested in learning more about the ukulele and ukulele gatherings, follow Low Country Studios on Facebook, and the Charleston Ukulele Society on Facebook. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Music Teacher or Music Coach?

Advancing music students often work with a private music teacher as well as a separate music coach.  However, most parents I've come into contact with don't understand the differences between these two positions, or the importance of each to their child's education. While school age children often work with one private instrument teacher who wears both hats, students attending music and arts public schools, and students on professional tracks, need both of these individuals.

Music students in larger cities, where the arts have always prospered, can easily tell you what the function of each music mentor is within their circle. When I worked with children performing in national tours I always knew who to consult for the child's lesson or coaching plans. And I knew my boundaries in my capacity as their teacher, or their coach, for that tour. If I ever slipped into the wrong role those little kids would let me know right away! These students clearly knew what they were supposed to gain from a music teacher and what they were supposed to gain from a music coach. 

Students from smaller towns, who play on progressive sports teams, can tell you very clearly the difference between their private trainer and their coach. I often use sports examples to explain the differences between music education providers to my students. But there are still some parents, and students, who consider anyone who works with them in music education as the child's music teacher. And when the roles become blurred a student's music education can go sideways. I know that many of you have heard a parent say, "Well I just assumed the public school teacher did the same thing so we stopped private lessons - I didn't know." Or had a parent who insisted that one (either the coach or the teacher) be subservient to the other. Not understanding the different roles and importance of each of these music mentors to their child's progress also confuses the student.  

With the push to put the arts into STEM, many communities are seeing the advent of public secondary schools labelled "Arts and/or Music Schools."  While attending a secondary public education in an arts school, a child will continue growing with a private music teacher while the public school teacher becomes the student's music coach. [It is rare to see the student's public school music teacher as their private music teacher and, for ethics reasons, most teachers keep these boundaries clear. But in instances where a student's family may be struggling financially, a public school teacher can also step in as a student's private music teacher.]

So, what is the difference between a music teacher and a music coach?

A teacher is the term for anyone who provides one-on-one music instruction of any kind - instrumental, theoretical, historical, compositional, arranging, et cetera. A teacher is the full-service educator. A teacher builds a student's musical knowledge (theoretical) as well as their playing (applied) abilities. A teacher practices with the student at lessons to help the student understand instruction on how to practice. They develop lesson plans for a student's progressive progress as a musician. They teach a student how to; interpret different periods of music or different composers, how to read music, develop technic on their instrument, performance practices, theory, and some will also offer music history supplements. Lesson assignments will include exercises, practice guidelines, written or reading homework, repertoire selections to build skills, and repertoire selections for upcoming auditions and performances. A private music teacher will find or create performance opportunities for the student. 

A music coach will not teach a student pieces from scratch. Unlike a teacher, where there are regular standing appointments for instruction, a coach often offers appointments as needed. A coach may guide a student with personal artistic choices as they work on a piece of music - and offer guidance on the music the student has already learned with their private teacher at the coaching session. 

A primary or secondary music school teacher often has to wear both hats (teacher and coach) due to the fact that there are families that cannot afford private instrument lessons. Public music school teachers are often found in the roles of: instrument division heads, ensemble directors, band directors, choir directors, theory division heads, and history division heads. In more prestigious arts schools, the public teacher takes the role of a music coach for the student while the student continues to study privately with their own music teacher.  

I have known instances where teachers have unfortunately convinced their professional track students that they don't need a coach and the student no longer seeks out a coach for performance preparations. This is not beneficial for the student and you can see the decline in the student's performance when this happens. I have also known of coaches who bring technic into sessions and start teaching the student. Technic is not an area of coaching. This can confuse a student and/or cause physical injury to a student who has developed under a different playing technic. The best situations I have seen have arisen from teachers and coaches that work together for the benefit of the student, respecting one another's boundaries. This type of teamwork has created some of the most successful performers. 

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Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Composers for Piano of Asian Heritage

Happy day 9 of the Chinese Lunar New Year!

The Francis Clark Center presented Piano Music by Composers of Asian Heritage this morning. Each composer shared their process and their music that is suitable for early to advanced levels. Here is a brief look at each composer along with information on how to access their music. 

Naoko Ikeda, lives in Sapporo Japan. Her music is published through Willis Music Company. Her complete catalogue is available at the Hal Leonard website. Naoko incorporates the Japanese Scale in her compositions. The melodies are lovely and captivating. One piece I will be ordering for my studio is "Shooting Stars in Summer" from Celestial Dreams. This piece is also available in the RCM (Royal Academy of Music) Level 8 Piano Repertoire. It is a mid-intermediate selection.

Li-ly Chang grew up in Taiwan and now resides in the U.S. Li-ly uses mixed styles of pentatonic, quartile, quintal chords, some jazz and blues flavors, and paints a story with her music. A complete list of Li-Ly Chang's music can be found at Lily Chang Piano. Her late beginner-early intermediate level pieces "Snow Play" and "Grasshopper's Waltz" are fun pieces I hope to incorporate in my studio. 

Chee-Hwa Tan is Malaysian Chinese and now resides in Colorado. Many of her works can be found on Piano Safari. Chee-Hwa's pieces have a strong pedagogical focus and will be fun to learn. Her pieces start from Early Elementary.

Alexina Louie is Canadian Chinese. She uses contemporary composition styles and experiments with pedal resonance in her works. These pieces are wonderful choices for students who are interested in learning about, and performing in, contemporary styles. Alexina's music is available at the Canadian Music Center and Alfred Music. You can visit her personal website Alexina Louie

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Learning to Improvise with Basic Jazz Chords and their Scales

One of the first questions students ask me is, "How do I know what notes to use for improvising?" 

Every chord that you see on your lead sheet has come from a scale. We are going to start today by looking at five basic scales you can use to improvise within chord areas on your lead sheets. These five scales are a good start for beginners. As you gain experience you will learn more chords, and more scale choices for each chord. Your teacher has probably started you on a lead sheet that contains the following basic chord forms. We will use the key of C as our example.

Now that you know each chord's name, let's look at the spelling of each of the above chords:

Now refer back to the chord name in the first chart, this is also the scale name we will use. Here is the pattern for each scale in whole steps (W) and half steps (H):

Now we will use those patterns in the key of C so you can see how to use the patterns with any other key:

Within the rhythm of the chord on your lead sheet, you can practice playing the solid chord, in any inversion in your left hand, and improvising over that chord using the corresponding scale notes in your right hand. Take your time. Enjoy the process. 

Monday, January 17, 2022

Music for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

 "Musicians are not politicians." Those were the first words I heard when I started college. Sitting in front of me, in my first theory class that freshman year, was a middle-aged professor who had on sandals and white crew socks. He was an internationally recognized organist and a very gentle spirit. Outside the window professors from other disciplines were on strike. In, not so many words, he told us we would serve many religions in our lifetimes, and provide music for many secular gatherings. We would play music to support beliefs that were not our own. We would belong to musicians unions, professional music organizations, and eventually teach music to others. And we would learn to do the work without taking sides.  

Most of my peers in college were working church musicians, PKs (preacher's kids), or hoping to work in the sacred music industry. One young man was on the path to becoming a Jesuit Priest. Another had already landed a respected organist position in the Archdiocese in Detroit.  (Not being a Catholic and having lived in many different places since those days, I have learned that the Jesuits are some of the most passionate workers for their communities. I was quite shocked when I came to Charleston and realized priests here were allowed to amass their own wealth and did not have to take the same vows as other priests I had known.) 

The first young man I became friends with in college directed the music for his father's church. Both of his parents had numbers tattooed on their arms from their days of captivity. His dear mother never slept. His father was a strong man of faith and had no doubt that Jesus had saved him and his wife from death. His father's story of how his life was miraculously spared from death during the Holocaust was moving. He started, perhaps, one of the first Jewish led churches that preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ when he arrived in the States. 

The next student I became friends with told me of how her mother had marched with Martin Luther King, Jr. And then others shared the same story about their parents. Another had a father who was a construction worker and who literally built the church that he led. 

We were all children born in the 60s being raised in the greater Detroit area. Riots and other news of the day was calmly presented by local newscasters with just the facts - not the media frenzy you see today.  And our parents, aunts, and uncles, and neighbors who had lived through the Depression and served in World War II were reminiscing about their pasts and seeing the World change right before their eyes.

And through it all, music was there. Folk artists were playing songs on the radio that are still sung during remembrances on Martin Luther King Jr Day.  Motown music was on the radio along with songs from the 40s and 50s that were popular with our parents when they were young. Unlike today's stations that only play current hits, or one type of music, it seemed like the songs from every generation had come together at one time on the popular music stations.  

And so there we were, witnessing something at that young age, that went against what my professor would tell us as young adults sitting in a college classroom. Later in our Music History classes we would learn that Mozart's operas were often political satires, and other great works had political overtones as well. 

But what about the Civil Rights Movement music today; What are songs that are still a part of remembering the peaceful work of Martin Luther King, Jr. ?

On the morning before Reverend Martin Luther King Jr's "I Have A Dream" speech in Washington, D.C., the folk singer Joan Baez opened the event with her singing of the song "Oh, Freedom." It became an anthem of the movement. Oh Freedom was a tune that had been sung by enslaved Black people. "Oh, Freedom. Oh Freedom over me! Before I'll be a slave I will be buried in my grave..." 

We Shall Overcome started as a spiritual titled "I'll Be Alright Someday." It was a song used by the Tobacco Workers Union in 1946. It found its way to the Highlander Folk School where the school's director Zilphia Horton and others, adapted it to the struggles of their current labor movement and began using the lyrics, We Will Overcome. Zilphia Horton taught the song to Pete Seeger. Seeger changed the lyrics to We Shall Overcome. The song was used at a non-violent student rally in South Carolina and has become a recognized song for the civil rights movement. "Deep in my heart, I do believe. We shall overcome some day."

This Little Light of Mine is a children's song, and a spiritual. It was sung during the civil rights era to encourage personal empowerment. "This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine. Let it shine all over the World." 

We Shall Not Be Moved was sung in union halls and also became part of the civil rights movement in the 50s and 60s. "Like a tree planted by the water, I shall not be moved."

In the late 30s the civil rights movement was in its beginning stages. The well-known jazz singer Billie Holiday premiered a song written by a Jewish schoolteacher named Abel Meeropol. The song was Strange Fruit. "Strange trees bear strange fruit. Blood on the leaves and blood at the root, Black bodies swinging in the Southern breeze. Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees." 

Bob Dylan recorded two songs that found their way into the civil rights music file. Blowin' in the Wind, he said, was not a protest song. It just raised questions that needed to be raised. Joan Baez, and Peter, Paul & Mary also recorded this work. Dylan's second song was more raw. Only A Pawn in Their Game was about the assassination of Medgar Evers. Dylan brought to light his thoughts that the murder of Evers wasn't just an issue between the assassin and his target, but a larger overbearing issue that needed repair. "And he's taught how to walk in a pack, shoot in the back, with his fist in a clinch, to hang and to Lynch...He ain't got no name, but it ain't him to blame, he's only a pawn in their game."

Music has a history of defining its place in time. Even our popular music, music of the people, is carrying its own story for others to look back on. How will our music footprint be interpreted by people 100 years from today? Will they hear reflections of our financial collapse in the mid 2000s, the pandemic we are currently witnessing, the struggles of others around the World at present day?